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Hoi4 Millennium Dawn Cheats

Cheat Codes

While playing the game, press ~ to display the console window. Then, type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function:

Result Cheat Code
Display list of all commands help
10 million manpower manpower
999 politcal power pp
999 military experience xp
All research complete research all
Click on a technology to research research_on_icon_click
Instant construction (also affects AI players) instantconstruction or ic
Remove fog of war fow
Start civil war in desired country [Note] civilwar [ideology] [country tag]
Give 100% warscore winwars
Allow usage of all diplomatic actions adiplo or allowdiplo
Add latest equipment ale [amount]
Add specific equipment ae [amount] [name]
Add chosen equipment add_equipment [amount] [equipment name]
Add 5,000 of the latest equipment in every category add_latest_equipment 5000
Nuke any province without specific conditions debug_nuking
AI accepts everthing you send them ai_accept
Activate teleporting tp
Execute an event event [event id]
White peace between specific countries whitepeace [tag] [tag]
Change playable nation tag [country tag]

Hoi4 millennium dawn treasury cheats

Note: Some examples are 'civilwar fascism POL' for the fascists to start a civil war in Poland, 'civilwar democratic ITA' for the democrats to start a civil war in Italy, and 'civilwar communism AST' for the communists to start a civil war in Australia.

Oct 07, 2017  This edits a few of the files in the original Easybuff mod to have it work for the Millennium Dawn ideologies/factions instead of vanilla ideologies/factions. Also adds a option to increase your money values. Check in the Resources event. In order to get this done I had to split the Force Ruling party idea into two ideas each with their own event. Have HOI4 style increasing resource costs. This only works becaus there is an insane amount of resources in the HOI4 world. Same as above but much worse shortages. Would need focuses and techs that increase resource production by flat amounts, like in HOI4. Millennium Dawn: Modern Day Mod. Overall, I'd say what made millenium dawn great is that it brought HOI4 into the modern era without making it an entirely different game. Unfortunately, with the incredibly heavy influence taken from Modern day 4, it doesn't feel that way and is now an economy simulator with a bit of military-themed spice.

Equipment names

Use one of the following names with the 'add_equipment [amount] [equipment name]' code:

    Support EquipmentModern TankInfantry Equipment IIIMotorizedMechanizedLight Tank IIMedium TankGrosstraktorSuper Heavy TankMarineMountainTowed Anti-TankTowed Anti-AirTowed ArtilleryRocket ArtilleryFighter IClose Air Support IHeavy FighterTactical Bomber IStrategic Bomber I

This is a list of all events relating to nuke weapons (from /Hearts of Iron IV/events/NukeEvents.txt).

  • 1id 0 - 10
  • 2id 11 - 20

id 0 - 10[edit]


(HIDDEN) Nuke Dropped Trigger

(This event is hidden and is used to trigger other events and/or effects.)

Trigger conditions
  • Can fire only once
Is triggered only by
  • On nuke drop
Immediate effects
  • Set country flag duce_nukedem_flag if
    • Is Italy
    • Is Fascist
    • State is California (378)
  • Trigger news event 'Atomic Bombing of [From.From.GetName]' in 1 days
  • None


Atomic Bombing of [From.From.GetName]

For the first and hopefully last time in history, a nuclear bomb has been detonated in [From.From.GetName] as part of international warfare. The unprecedented destruction stands as a testament to the devastating power of this new weapon, which is feared not only for what it can do to its targets, but what implications it has for the one who deploys it and for humanity itself.
The world holds its breath waiting for what will come next. Will this force [From.From.Owner.GetName] to surrender to avoid further terror, or will it only strengthen their resolve to strike back against those who would resort to such measures?

Trigger conditions
  • State is not:
    • Latium (2)
    • Ile de France (16)
    • Sjaelland (37)
    • Brandenburg (64)
    • Greater London Area (126)
    • Svealand (141)
    • Moscow (219)
    • Kanto (282)
    • Maryland (361)
    • Kyushu (528)
    • Chugoku (529)
    • Kansai (531)
Is triggered only by
  • Nuke event '(HIDDEN) Nuke Dropped Trigger'

Enabled if:Is not the state owner

  • None

Enabled if:Is the state owner

We will do whatever is necessary to protect the [Root.GetAdjective] people.
  • None


Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima

'The streets were like a scene from hell.' - Kuniyoshi Aikawa
Today, a nuclear bomb was detonated over the city of Hiroshima at an altitude of 580 meters. More than two thirds of the city were instantly destroyed. Despite the city being built to withstand earthquakes, only a few sturdy structures survived the blast.
While the power of the atomic bomb has been played up in the public mind, the human cost of the weapon has been played down. Neither side wants to contemplate the horror of the event, but its legacy will be one of lives lost in the blink of an eye and lasting fallout.

Trigger conditions
  • Can fire only once
  • State is Chugoku (529)
Is triggered only by
  • On nuke drop

Enabled if:Is not the state owner

  • None

Enabled if:Is the state owner

  • None


Atomic Bombing of Nagasaki

Hoi4 millennium dawn 1.6 cheats

A nuclear bomb, originally intended for Kokura, was detonated today over the Nagasaki. Weather conditions forced the planes to divert their mission, a combination of smoke, clouds and technical difficulties being deciding factors in an event that may well change history.
The effects of the bomb were contained somewhat by the city's location in a valley, but the damage is still severe. Some military installations were struck, but the catastrophic civilian losses overshadow them by far. It may take decades before we know the long-term effects of this weapon with certainty.

Trigger conditions
  • Can fire only once
  • State is Kyushu (528)
Is triggered only by
  • On nuke drop

Enabled if:Is not the state owner

Will this lead to [From.Owner.GetAdjective] surrender?
  • None

Enabled if:Is the state owner

  • None


Atomic Bombing of Berlin

Today, at [GetDateText], the German capital of Berlin was struck by a nuclear explosion. The city has suffered several attacks, in this war and the last, but all else pale in comparison to this. Not since the Thirty Years' War has Berlin seen comparable devastation - considering its growth, this was seen as an impossibility.
The Führerbunker appears to have survived the blast at least partially due to the bomb detonating away from its planned epicenter, and [From.Owner.GetLeader] is rumored to still be alive, if outraged. How [From.Owner.GetAdjective] leaders should be evacuated and if they can be protected from the fallout is another matter, however.

Hoi4 millennium dawn treasury cheats

Trigger conditions
  • Can fire only once
  • Is Germany
  • State is Brandenburg (64)
Is triggered only by
  • On nuke drop

Enabled if:Is notGermany

  • None

Enabled if:Is Germany

Our enemies have struck at the heart of the nation!
  • None


Atomic Bombing of London

A nuclear explosion has devastated the city of London today. Despite the city's anti-air defenses, [From.Owner.GetName] was not prepared for this attack. At [GetDateText], Big Ben chimed for the last time, having been melted by the blast. Early reports suggest Buckingham Palace has been completely leveled and the whereabouts of the royal family are currently unknown.
[From.Owner.GetLeader] has nevertheless been confirmed to have survived and is preparing a rousing speech for the radio later today. With morale at an all-time low, the British people is in dire need of this - or a very eloquent surrender.

Trigger conditions
  • Can fire only once
  • State is Greater London Area (126)
Is triggered only by
  • On nuke drop

Enabled if:Is not the state owner

It's difficult to maintain a stiff upper lip in the face of a nuclear blast wave.
  • None

Enabled if:Is the state owner

  • None


Atomic Bombing of Kyoto

The city of Kyoto, a prominent [From.Owner.GetAdjective] industrial center, was struck today by a nuclear bomb. It is speculated that the city was chosen as a target because it has been regarded as an intellectual center.
The beauty and historical significance of the Kyoto led many to assume it would be spared from the bomb, but it appears the terror of raining destruction on such a place has rather been seen as a benefit, increasing the psychological impact of the attack. The city's location in the valley somewhat limited the blast, but the old Imperial Palace and many industrial buildings have been completely destroyed.

Trigger conditions
  • Can fire only once
  • State is Kansai (531)
Is triggered only by
  • On nuke drop

Enabled if:Is not the state owner

Legacy and beauty mean nothing in a war like this.
  • None

Enabled if:Is the state owner

  • None


Atomic Bombing of Tokyo

Today, a nuclear strike was directed at the heart of the Japanese Empire. The capital of Tokyo, although expected to be the target of firebombing, was never assumed to be a prioritized target of this new weapon. Yet ultimately, perhaps due to the significance of the new capital and Imperial Palace which has now been destroyed, an even more all-consuming fire has fallen on the city.
Although [From.Owner.GetLeader] is reported to have survived, the event has raised questions about how far Japan's enemies are willing to go. If the war does not end with this, what targets remain? What is left to threaten with?

Hoi4 Millennium Dawn Cheats

Trigger conditions
  • Can fire only once
  • State is Kanto (282)
Is triggered only by
  • On nuke drop

Enabled if:Is not the state owner

  • None

Enabled if:Is the state owner

As long as [From.Owner.GetLeader] lives, so does the Empire.
  • None


Atomic Bombing of Washington D.C.

A nuclear bomb was detonated today over the capital of the United States. In an attack clearly directed at the political center and historical legacy of the US, the White House, the Capitol and a number of monuments and memorials were wiped off the face of the Earth. Even the Burning of Washington over a century ago pales in comparison to the destruction visited upon the city by this devastating weapon.
Although President [From.Owner.GetLeader] has been brought to safety, the nation has been shaken to its core. No doubt, the US hoped to be the first and only country to wield such a weapon. Those hopes have now been shattered in the worst possible way.

Trigger conditions
  • Can fire only once
  • State is Maryland (361)
Is triggered only by
  • On nuke drop

Enabled if:Is not the state owner

One nation, indivisible, versus one atom, divisible.
  • None

Enabled if:Is the state owner

The eagle will rise from the ashes like a phoenix.
  • None


Atomic Bombing of Rome

A nuclear explosion struck the city of Rome today, shocking people around the world. Due to its historical and artistic treasures, many had never thought the ancient city would be the target of such indiscriminate destruction. With the Vatican City also partially destroyed and the whereabouts of the Pope unknown, the event has horrified not only Italians, but Catholics around the world.
Rome's rapid growth in the past decade has been nearly completely undone by the attack. For a while, it looked like the city could aid the nation's recovery after the war was over. Those hopes have now been turned to dust, along with many people.

Trigger conditions
  • Can fire only once
  • State is Latium (2)
Is triggered only by
  • On nuke drop

Enabled if:Is not the state owner

  • None

Enabled if:Is the state owner

  • None


Atomic Bombing of Paris

Today, a nuclear device was detonated over the city of Paris, causing widespread destruction and countless casualties. France was in shock as its capital suffered what may be the most devastating attack it ever experienced, despite centuries of wars and revolutions. The Parisians had perhaps expected conquest, but not utter, brutal desolation.
Any victory parades at Champs-Élysées past the remains of the Arc de Triomphe seem unlikely in the city's current state. Perhaps the coming decades will see the birth of a new Paris, but Paris in the public mind, the city built in the Belle Époque, is gone forever.

Trigger conditions
  • Can fire only once
  • State is Ile de France (16)
Is triggered only by
  • On nuke drop

Enabled if:Is not the state owner

  • None

Enabled if:Is the state owner

Only yesterday, it seemed like we'd always have Paris.
  • None


Hoi4 Millennium Dawn Commands

id 11 - 20[edit]


Atomic Bombing of Moscow

A city many have tried and failed to conquer, Moscow was the target of a nuclear attack today. The explosion was directed at the heart of [From.Owner.GetAdjective] leadership, the Kremlin having been nearly completely destroyed by the blast.
[From.Owner.GetLeader], having grown more aware and fearful of all possible and impossible threats recently, evacuated in time and survived. However, even the vastness of [From.Owner.GetName] may not be enough to escape such a ruthless enemy. Indeed, if this continues, the nation will soon consist only of two kinds of wastelands: Those which were there in the first place, and those created by its enemies.

Trigger conditions
  • Can fire only once
  • State is Moscow (219)
Is triggered only by
  • On nuke drop

Enabled if:Is not the state owner

Won't a nuclear winter only make Moscow a more difficult target?
  • None

Enabled if:Is the state owner

They may burn every city we have, but they will never take them.
  • None


Atomic Bombing of Copenhagen

Today, the city of Copenhagen was struck by a nuclear explosion. Having grown after escaping destruction in the Great War thanks to Denmark's neutrality, the capital has never experienced an attack close to this devastating since the Napoleonic Wars. The surrounding area of Öresund has also seen significant fallout and survivors have begun escaping to Fyn and the mainland in fear of further attacks.
King Christian X's whereabouts are currently unknown, and the nation's morale has been severely damaged by the attack. It remains to be seen if this is the beginning of the end for one of Europe's oldest nations.

Trigger conditions
  • Can fire only once
  • State is Sjaelland (37)
Is triggered only by
  • On nuke drop

Enabled if:

  • Either:
    • Is Swedenand at peace with Denmark
    • Is not:
      • Sweden
      • The state owner
      • At war with Denmark
  • None

Enabled if:Is the state owner

  • None

Enabled if:

  • Is not the state owner
  • Is Sweden
  • At war with Denmark
  • None

Windows 7 x64 bluetooth driver.

Atomic Bombing of Stockholm

The beautiful city of Stockholm, proud Venice of the North, was struck by a nuclear bomb today. Despite their best efforts to stay neutral in the past, the Swedes have now paid the ultimate price for international conflict. The epicenter of the blast was in the middle of south central Stockholm, an area intended for future development and grand construction projects, now irreversibly destroyed.
Much of the city is beyond recognition, but the old structures at Slussen seem to have survived the blast better than expected. It has been decided that it should stand untouched forever as a monument to the city's resilience.

Trigger conditions
  • Can fire only once
  • State is Svealand (141)
Is triggered only by
  • On nuke drop

Enabled if:Is not the state owner

With this, Swedish neutrality will be but a memory.
  • None

Enabled if:Is the state owner

  • None

Hoi4 Millennium Dawn 1.6 Cheats


Retrieved from 'https://hoi4.paradoxwikis.com/index.php?title=Nuke_events&oldid=36780'